Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Little Details of Passion

Like most great love affairs, the passion starts with the fist look. The first glance is important. Did the other party catch your eye right away, or did it take a good long second look to capture your attention? Oh sure, there are those "pretty ones" that already look great on the outside, but then I guarantee someone else tidied them up long before you came along. What's the fun in falling in love and not having any work to do? I say look for the dingy ones. Don't pass up a fine machine just because it's dingy.

Machines, like men, sometimes need a makeover, but often have a wonderful mechanism just waiting for the right touch to make it purr. So there you are at the big flea market, local yard sales, or just cruising Craigs List, and you see it. It's ugly and covered in rust, but it's sturdy and looks like a real fixer upper. You push your way through the throngs of people ( or just click on the link) and there it is...right in front of you. You walk around it, observe all of it's flaws. Did you look at the wear on the decals first? Or was it the rust on the head plates that got your attention? You tentitively reach out to give the hand wheel a tug, only to discover that it moves smoothly! That's a plus.

Then you look at the price tag and pass out. After a kindly old gentleman revives you with a few firm pats to the cheeks and a splash of water, you prepare yourself to haggle. No way you are paying more than $40 for this rusted (but loveable) hunk of junk. You stretch your arms, crack your knuckles and approach the vendor. You haggle and haggle over the price and finally, he agrees to a price of $35. You reach into your oversized handbag with the mola you lovingly machine embroiderd on the front, and pull out your money and a clean cloth. Grabbing the neck of the rusty beast you hoist it up like your are carrying a baby and beat your way back through the crouds for your car. You start off nonchallantly and begin picking up speed until you are almost trotting to your car...all of this in case the vendor changes his mind and tries to renegotiate the price. You make it to the car, load your prize, and head for home. It has been a successful shopping trip and you are both exhausted and exhilerated at the same time. The rest of the month will be full of oiling, wiping, evaporusting, and more oiling.

You go home and take a nap. Dreams of passionate love for your new machine prevade your dreams. Your love affair with antique sewing machines continues.

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